Environmental Stewardship

life cycle calculator

Wean-Finish Pork Sustainability Calculator

This calculator allows producers to understand how improvements in finishing, such as mortality and feed efficiency, can influence the environmental footprint of the barn. (updated 3-30-23)


Evaluating Production Metrics publication

Evaluating Production Metrics in Relation to Sustainability in a Wean-to-Finish Barn

This fact sheet is a companion piece for the Wean-Finish Pork Sustainability Calculator and helps explain how the information from calculator inputs can be used by producers.


Air Quality

Air Management Practices Assessment Tool
The Air Management Practices Assessment Tool (AMPAT) provides an objective overview of mitigation practices best suited to address odor, emissions and dust at your livestock operation, so livestock and poultry producers may compare and narrow their options of mitigation techniques.


Publications from Iowa State University

The Science of Smell Series

Part 1 Odor Perception and Physiological Response
Part 2 Odor Chemistry
Part 3 Odor Detection and Measurement
Part 4 Principles of Odor Control

Land and Water

Iowa Manure Management Action Group - IMMAGResources Conservation Practices: Manure and Tillage Management
IMMAG was created in 1997 by commodity and public sector groups to help producers maximize the value of manure as well as protect the environment. It links to many scientific and regulatory resources.

Manure Application

Commercial Manure Applicators

Confinement Site Applicators

DNR Manure Applicators Certification

Manure Foam: Science, Safety, Ventilation, Treatments (pdf) (IMMAG)

Resources Conservation Practices: Manure and Tillage Management


The Manure Scoop Blog

Dr. Dan Andersen, Iowa State University, discusses the science of manure, including management, options for treatment, use as fertilizer, environmental impacts and new technologies. Visit The Manure Scoop Blog


Manure Nutrients for Crop Production

How to Interpret Your Manure Analysis

Using Manure Nutrients for Crop Production


Regulations and Manure Management

Data Collection Worksheet for RUSLE2 and Iowa Phosphorus Index PM 2021 (ISU Extension and Outreach)


Kapil Arora

Kapil Arora.

Field Agricultural Engineer


Dan Andersen

Dan Andersen.

Manure Management Specialist